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Monday, November 23, 2009

If sex was a weapon then ..

smash, boom, pow!

Why don't we get lost in lust, pull our bodies together a bit too tight this time and move ourselves to the vibrations of the music to forget where we are.
This is a game. It's wise to play along. Because when you already sin, then all what is left to do is enjoy..
So when a journey that you have once started gives you
more pleasure than anything else, then you don't need to think where is it going to take you anymore.

This game is called flirt. She leans closer and closer, but they both know that nothing serious will ever really happen, it just shouldn't happen. But her body moves closer, slightly touching his certain body parts. He's thinking "Wow, this is going too far" but carries on.

Everybody stares at them and whispers. "She's a sex addict, I've seen her" . "Yeah, and a slut" comments the other person.

But she is everything but a slut. She is sexy without being trampy. She is just here to get her dosage of erotic shot. Erotic shot with a function of lust. Her only passion is to invent new techniques to multiply her pleasure. And for tonight it's a full-on flirt with him.

As the beat of the music takes over their minds, the dance advances to a new level. 'How you like me now?' Just by watching them move could make the viewer horny. They can feel eachother breathing on their skin. He gets intimidated by her, and shows her his ring to remind her he's taken. She laughs at his face and says 'It's just a game, you silly'

and walks off smiling.

In the end it's all about whether the addict got the dosage of lust for the night or not.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Femme fatale on acid.

She is like a butterfly, which sits on every flower.. but belongs to none.

One of a kind. Out of normality.

You might be the one on one day, and just another on the next. Freedom is everything, and if you would accept this, she would love you so much more. Don't bore her.

Her way is the best way - so she believes. It comes without a surprise that she is intrigued by that someone who mirrors many of her good qualities.

Don't tell her how to live, she wouldn't listen, she has plans to live it exactly the way she wishes to experience her life. Differently. You would think that's rebelleous, but it's just normal. Everyone has the right to be the one they wish to be.

Curiousity thrives her...She wants to know your secrets, she needs to know your deepest thoughts...but she will never let you reach her dreams. They will never know..

..that she is curious to experience and experiment with crazyness .. (between the sheets) .. but only with the ones who like to take risks or are inventive. Sex is like an amusement park, don't you think? You ride and try new things. Constantly seeking for new heights of pleasure. It's never enough... It's a drug. Highly addictive

She never loves you more than herself. If you thought she fell for you then you're just naive.

You try to run. Get out of sight. You secretly wish you could have hurt her by leaving, but what is out of sight means out of mind for her. Easy as that.

She knows there will be someone soon replacing you. That's life.

She is a social delight. Tempting, but you can never be sure if you will eventually bore her or not. So maybe it's smart thing that you ran away first.
And if you will find that woman..
she will stay in your mind, you be will thinking of her, you'll try to surprise her and act crazy to win her attention, because after reading this - you know she likes this stuff.
Get her! 'cos you will experience one hell of a hard on.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
(Maybe forever if you seek the same thing as she - fun)
You will never understand anyways.

There’s no such thing as too weird, so let your freak-flag fly.

See you later pussies.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Baby, you're so vague

I might like you better

If we slept together

But there’s somethin

In your eyes that says

Maybe that’s never

Never say never.

Sometimes words don't mean a thing. We are so crooked in our ways. Whispering 'I love you' but actually not meaning a thing. Or better yet, letting them fall into your web while you strip their soul. Until they're lying naked and have nothing. Nothing to add. Unequipped. Armed to sin. How vicious and sexy it is.

While you play your little game, winding that other person up to want some more. They're saying "I love you, and the mess you made". You think you got her heart and their brain. But its only words. They are actually are loving the mess you made, enjoying it, not you. You are just the person who we owe the thanks to making it awfully hot. She's a freak. Turning your plan upside down and who's vicious now. Who is using who, when both want to use eachother. "That sneaky fuck!" you'd say.

You feel awful. There’s no easy way to lose your sight. You try to quit, you try to hide. Then you say something like "Sorry". But why to apologize to a person, who is just as poisonous as you. You're trying to get yourself out of your man-made web, but you sound lame.

And does she even care?

..take some drugs and get over it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sexy stuff.

Food, booze, sex, drugs - things that people try to hold themselves from, at least limiting the use of these to not get out of control, but boy they are great! These 4 things are considered vices of ours. They are ecstatic, aren't they? Vices that are so bad..but may be considered happiness for some.

It makes you feel free, alive. Excitement rush. You want to get into the adrenaline rush and thus the appetite grows stronger and you feed yourself with more and more things that you are not supposed to.. You want to join the party and the party wants you to feel the same glory and joy that is offered by it.

You forget the rules, feel good. You get into this trance where you try to live in a different moral construct that the rest of people. Challenge others' belief system..

Wouldn't it be fun to live your life where nothing in your life has been rated G (for general audience.. kids and stuff) an everything you have ever done would be rated R or at least PG or PG-17 etc. It would be a beautiful chaos.

Be happy. Happier than everyone around you. That pisses them off. Enjoy that. Don't be afraid. Eat what you like, have sex with who you like, play around with who you like. Dress like there's no tomorrow.

You'll have everything on your fingertips. Want everything! Be the person who has never left the party. Don't give a blink of what people think of you.

With destructive intentions, I want you to party on Saturday at Protest (GüÜTteÖö X).

Its illegal how much fun the weekends bring and what we do..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My words fell into the road..

..and I could not collect them.

Again, again and again, again I'm starting to blog. Why? I have no idea.. or I mean ideas I do have, but it's hard for me to always tell where they are coming from.

I always think that people let go oppurtunities because they over-think whats right or wrong. I mean, its very true. For example, haven't you ever let go of thinking and gone with the flow and in the end thought - man, that couldnt have felt more right and the only way it happened was because you, for once, didn't think ahead. People are crazy, mad and fucked up and I love them for this. It just turns me off when people feel good, but think they shouldn't. If it felt good, it must be right and why should you stop doing it. Go for it!
Why be embarrassed about pleasure and laughter? Why be ashamed of letting go? You need to be out of control. If you feel good about the sin, then is it a sin?

A person once told me that the worst thing a person can say to you is "I know you". And when you think about it, it is an offence. Saying this to a person is like stripping them naked of all the chances of ever surprising you or even themselves. People don't know you, and I can say that sometimes I think I don't even know myself aswell. I mean I do things, that I once say I would never do..

"You are so predictable" is a saying that I use to agitate my friends doing otherwise and being spontaneus. I know it works for me.. it turns me mad and makes me prove them wrong.

It's boring when people do 'right' things all the time, it takes away all the excitement and mystery. People like this bored me then and now they just bore me some more.

Gowiththeflow trips, unorganized nights, surprising relationships, spontaneous sex, unpredictable friends, random people, random randoms - all EXCITING.

P.S this doesn't cover killing, using others, stealing and other such crimes, because that is sick. You shouldnt ever feel right when doing this and thus it cant be right.